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bermaksud bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "bermaksud"
  • bermaksud akan:    had a good mind to; have a good mind to; having a good mind to
  • bermaksud baik:    well-intentioned; well-meaning; well-intended; good faith
  • bermaksud jahat:    in bad faith
  • bermaksud untu:    had an eye to
  • bermaksud untuk:    have an eye to; having an eye to
  • bermakrifat:    ponder; chew over; excogitate; muse; contemplate; mull over; think over; speculate; meditate; mull; ruminate; reflect
  • bermakna:    a means; meaningful; pregnant; entail; think; important; imply; significant; mean; signify; meaning; intend; stand for
  • bermain-main dengan:    monkey with; monkeyed about; monkeyed with; monkeying about; monkeying with; play with
  • bermain-main:    cutting a caper; cutting capers; fool around; fooled around; fooling around; play around; romp; romped; romping; toy with; toyed with; toying with; fiddle; frolic; lark about/around; toy; fritter aw
  • bermain untuk kesenangan:    play for love
  • I know you have no intention of shooting me.
    Aku tahu kamu tidak bermaksud untuk menembakku
  • I don't mean to interfere, but this is disgusting.
    Saya tidak bermaksud mengganggu, tapi ini menjijikkan.
  • Mrs wong, we didn't mean to offend you
    Mrs wong, kami tidak bermaksud menyinggung perasaan Anda
  • I intended to go to the station with you
    Aku bermaksud pergi ke stasiun dengan Anda
  • Didn't mean to interrupt one of those intellectual conversations
    Ayah, aku tak bermaksud mengganggu percakapan intelektualmu
  • We don't mean to hit you, old man.
    Kami tidak bermaksud untuk memukul Anda, orang tua.
  • I didn't mean to make a fool out of you.
    Aku tak bermaksud membuat kebodohan padamu.
  • I didn' mean to put that on there.
    Aku tidak bermaksud untuk meletakkan itu di sana.
  • Yeah, I'm sure deep down he means well.
    Yeah, aku yakin dalam hati dia bermaksud baik.
  • No... I was only bullshit I didn't mean it
    Aku hanya bercanda saya tidak bermaksud begitu
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5