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bermalam bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "bermalam"
  • bermaksud untuk:    have an eye to; having an eye to
  • bermaksud untu:    had an eye to
  • bermalas-malas:    goldbrick; goldbricked; goldbricking; laze; lazed; lazing; loaf about; loafed about; loafing about; lounge around; twiddle one’s thumbs; go over; mill around; lallygag; tarry; arse around; discharge
  • bermaksud jahat:    in bad faith
  • bermalas-malasan:    dilly-dallied over; dilly-dally over; dilly-dallying over; idle; loaf; loafer; loll; lolled; lolling; slouch; slouched; slouching
  • bermaksud baik:    well-intentioned; well-meaning; well-intended; good faith
  • bermalas-malasan -:    have time on hands
  • bermaksud akan:    had a good mind to; have a good mind to; having a good mind to
  • bermandikan:    bathe
  • I need to find somewhere to camp, now!
    Aku harus menemukan tempat untuk bermalam sekarang juga!
  • My parents live here, and I still keep a flat.
    Oh, jadi kita bisa bermalam disana.
  • I know you spent the night at Kieran's ranch.
    Aku tahu kau bermalam di peternakan Kieran.
  • Are you suggesting that we spend the night here?
    Kau menyuruh kami bermalam di sini ?
  • I thought you were staying at Brian's tonight.
    Ku pikir kau akan bermalam di rumah Brian.
  • Hey, what don't you take Harrison overnight?
    Hei, bagaimana kalau kau membawa Harrison bermalam di rumahmu?
  • Wh... What do you think about us spending the night together?
    Bagaimana kalau kita bermalam bersama?
  • Um, I'll just sleep over at Hanna's tonight.
    Um, aku hanya bermalam dirumah Hanna malam ini.
  • Ah. Clearly, you've never spent the night in jail.
    Jelas, kau tidak pernah bermalam di penjara.
  • Maybe Liam spending the night is Miranda's plan.
    Mungkin Liam bermalam di sini adalah rencana Miranda.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5