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bersaksi bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "bersaksi"
  • bersaksi melawan:    testified against; testify against; testifying against
  • bersaksi untuk:    testified for; testify for; testifying for
  • jangan bersaksi dusta:    thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour
  • bersajak:    rhyme; rhymed; rhyming; metrical
  • bersaingan:    competitive; contend; vie; vying; contest; rival; compete; compete with; abreast
  • bersaing dengan:    competitive with; in competition against; in competition with; vie with; vied with; vieing with
  • bersaing:    compete; competed; competing; oppose; vie; competitory; contest; compete with; pass over; against; resist; contend; competitive; exceed; abreast; contrary to; fight
  • bersalah:    commited errors; committed errors; committing errors; err; go awry; go the wrong way to work; going awry; going the wrong way to work; gone awry; gone the wrong way to work; guilty; had another gues
  • bersahutan:    answer
  • bersalah [kepada:    wrong
  • You just testified he liked unpleasant things.
    Kau bersaksi kalau dia suka hal yang tak menyenangkan.
  • Most people would never testify against those guys.
    Semua orang tidak pernah bersaksi melawan orang2 itu.
  • I need to be outside before Fibonacci testifies.
    Aku perlu berada di luar sebelum Fibonacci bersaksi.
  • I won't let Wilson and Sam testify.
    Aku takkan biarkan Hua Sheng dan A Shan bersaksi.
  • Linc and I will testify, but the others
    Linc dan aku akan bersaksi tapi yg lainnya
  • And be sure to mention that on the stand.
    Dan pastikan kamu sebutkan itu sewaktu bersaksi.
  • That is if Skeevers is alive enough to testify.
    Itu kalau Skeevers masih hidup untuk bersaksi.
  • This is why I didn't want to testify.
    Ini adalah alasan mengapa saya tidak ingin bersaksi.
  • I'll call our first witness to the stand
    Aku akan memanggil saksi pertama kami untuk bersaksi.
  • Don't testify and this will all be over with.
    Jangan bersaksi. Dan ini semua akan berakhir.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5