Masuk Daftar

bersantap bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "bersantap"
  • bersantap di dalam:    board in; boarded in; boarding in
  • bersantap di luar:    board out; boarded out; boarding out
  • bersantai:    relaxed; relaxing; relax; slow down; unwind; loosen up; loosey goosey; unstrain; lash; make relaxed; unbend; easygoing; loosey-goosey; free and easy; mellow; unlax; decompress
  • bersangkutan dengan:    dealt only with
  • bersangkutan:    pertinent
  • bersangkut paut:    concerned in
  • bersara:    retire; retirement; retired
  • bersangkar:    caged; draw close; snuggle; cuddle; nestle; nuzzle; nest
  • bersarang:    nest; nested; nesting; lodge; cuddle; nestle; nuzzle; draw close; snuggle
  • I doubt that the city offers any diningexperience
    Aku ragu bahwa kota ini menawarkan pengalaman bersantap
  • I am also taking lunch with the ants down there.
    Aku juga bersantap siang dengan semut di bawah sana.
  • I shall dine, after all, At the high table with the Aesir.
    Aku yang akan bersantap, di meja tertinggi bersama Aesir.
  • This is where I eat lunch.
    Ini tempatku bersantap siang.
  • This is where I eat lunch.
    Ini tempatku bersantap siang
  • During the meal, Jesus predicts that one of his apostles will betray him.
    Selagi bersantap, Yesus memprediksikan bahwa salah seorang rasul akan mengkhianati-Nya.
  • Children 0-5 years old are free of charge.
    Anak-anak berusia 0-5 tahun dapat bersantap secara gratis
  • • three (3) dining tokens (each, an “e-token”);
    • tiga (3) token bersantap (masing-masing disebut “e-token”);
  • All day dining restaurant at Fairmont Hotel Jakarta
    Restoran bersantap sepanjang hari di Fairmont Hotel Jakarta
  • Al Fresco, Casual Dining, Drinks, Quiet Dinner
    Tempat Terbuka, Bersantap Santai, Alkohol Tersedia, Makan Malam Tenang
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5