berungut bahasa Inggris
- berundur: retreat
- berunding sama-sama: laid heads together; lay heads together; laying heads together
- berungutan: grumble; scold; murmur; mutter; rumble; grouch; growl; gnarl; croak
- berunding dengan: closet with; closeting with; confer with; confered with; confering with; conferred with; conferring with; inquire; ask; consult; question
- beruntun: multiple
- berunding bersama-sama: reason together; reasoned together; reasoning together
- beruntung: been lucky; fortunate; getting the breaks; got the breaks; lucky; on tick; on velvet; profit; turned a pretty penny; turning a pretty penny; benefit; privileged; gain; charmed; enthralled; favorable
- berunding: confedere; confer; conferred; conferring; consultation; go into a huddle; going into a huddle; gone into a huddle; talk terms; fence; discuss; mouth; talking; discourse; debate; talk; negotiate; ver
- beruntung oleh karena: benefit by benefit