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besar-besaran bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "besar-besaran"
  • Massive internal bleeding in the abdominal cavity, Gerald.
    Pendarahan internal besar-besaran dalam rongga perut , Gerald.
  • You know that Sparazza's had major elective plastic surgery.
    Kau tahu Sparazza lakukan operasi plastik besar-besaran.
  • They said, "In the 1930's, we had mass unemployment.
    Mereka berkata, "Tahun 1930an ada pengangguran besar-besaran.
  • They will be looking for us big time after tomorrow.
    Mereka akan mencari kita besar-besaran besok.
  • I got this killer perm, and it needs major upkeep.
    Rambutku keriting salon, perlu perawatan besar-besaran.
  • So there was a large welcoming event, is it?
    Jadi ada sebuah acara penyambutan besar-besaran, benar?
  • Yeah, you are massively messing with me, right?
    Ya, kamu secara besar-besaran main dengan saya, kan?
  • This must be some big-ass merger you're contemplating.
    Oh, wow, ini pasti merger besar-besaran yang kaurencanakan
  • I need you to help prevent an all-out war.
    Aku butuh kau untuk mencegah perang besar-besaran.
  • You were arrested twice for grand theft auto.
    Kau ditangkap dua kali untuk pencurian mobil besar-besaran.
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