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brendi bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "brendi"
  • Would you like some brandy in that, Father?
    Adakah kamu ingin beberapa brendi dalam itu, Bapa?
  • I have a bottle labeled brandy ..
    Aku punya sebotol Brendi yang lebih enak daripada vodka
  • Spot of medicinal brandy would set me up, sir.
    Spot brendi obat akan menjebakku, Sir.
  • Oh, Little Joe, give me that brandy, will you?
    Oh Little Joe, Beri aku brendi?
  • Just the one brandy, Corporal, please. - Y es, sir.
    Hanya stau brendi Kopral, ayolah.
  • The house safe is for brandy and grandmother's pearls.
    Brankas kasino hanya aman untuk brendi dan mutiara.
  • I know the man that supplies brandy to the palace.
    Aku kenal pemasok brendi ke istana itu.
  • Kirschwasser is a fruit brandy made from cherries.
    Kirschwasser, brendi buah yang terbuat dari ceri.
  • And was it smoking a cigar and drinking a brandy?
    Dan apakah itu merokok cerutu dan minum brendi?
  • Well, l- - I don't drink brandy.
    Yah, aku - aku tidak minum brendi.
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