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brighton bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "brighton"
  • This money is supposed to be in Brighton Beach.
    Ini seharusnya sudah tiba di Brighton Beach.
  • "Brighton appoint Poyet as manager".
    Diakses tanggal 15 Juni 2009. ^ "Brighton appoint Poyet as manager".
  • They say that Brighton's lovely this time of year.
    Mereka mengatakan Brighton indah tahun ini.
  • Lydia's been invited to Brighton with the Forsters.
    Lydia diundang keluarga Forsters pergi ke Brighton.
  • It's gonna be a beautiful week in Brighton.
    Ini akan menjadi Minggu indah di Brighton.
  • Used to work Brighton Beach till Elias kicked him out.
    Dulu menguasai Brighton Beach sampai Elias mengusirnya.
  • So I hopped on the Brighton Beach express.
    Jadi aku naik the Brighton Beach Express
  • They come from this special bakery down in Brighton Beach.
    Donatnya dari toko roti di Brighton Beach.
  • His father was a postal worker in Brighton.
    Ayahnya adalah seorang petugas pos di Brighton.
  • I've already sent out Colonel Brighton, who's a soldier.
    Aku sudah kirim Kolonel Brighton, yang merupakan seorang prajurit.
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