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browning bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "browning"
  • That's from my favorite sonnet by Mrs. Browning.
    Itulah dari saya favorit soneta oleh Mrs Browning.
  • Professor Browning would never have made that mistake.
    Prof. Browning tak mungkin melakukan kesalahan seperti itu.
  • And designed by the great John Moses Browning himself.
    Dan dirancang oleh John Moses Browning sendiri.
  • Mary Browning, we invite you into our circle.
    Mary Browning, kami mengundangmu ke dalam lingkaran kami.
  • Browning has two younger brothers, Nicholas and Matthew.
    Browning memiliki dua adik laki-laki, Nicholas dan Matthew.
  • My guy has an M2 Browning .50 caliber.
    Cowok saya memiliki M2 Browning Kaliber .50.
  • Well, yöu gonna show this to Dr. Browning?
    kamu akan menunjukkan ini kepada Dr. Browning?
  • The little girl in the picture was Athena.
    Gadis kecil di foto adalah Athena. Browning.
  • Sir, two suspects armed with a Browning handgun.
    Pak, 2 pelaku bersenjata pistol Browning. 1 pelaku terluka.
  • We can take her to Dr. Browning.
    Kita bisa membawa di ke Dr. Browning.
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