Masuk Daftar

buanglah bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "buanglah"
  • buangan terbiodegradasikan:    biodegradable waste
  • buangan muatan(meringankan kapal):    jetsam
  • buar:    generous; liberal
  • buangan muatan:    jetsam
  • buas:    bestial; brutal; grizzly; predatory; ravening; wild; cannibal; carnivorous; ferocious; savage; desolate; raven; ferine; brutish; belluine; wildcat; furious; feral; beast; brute; wolf; barbarous; fel
  • buangan:    exile; outcast; cast-off; discarded; deportee; discharge; thrown-away; emission; throwaway
  • buas/lapar:    edacious; ravenous; lupine; voracious
  • buang-buang waktu:    idle away
  • buasir:    pile; piles; hemorrhoid
  • No you throw it...take it in your hand and throw
    Tidak, buang dulu.. ambil dan buanglah.
  • You know who just walked away with him?
    Anda tahu siapa baru berjalan buanglah dia?
  • Dispose of wine, do not let your father drink. Let's go.
    Buanglah anggurnya, Jangan biarkan ayahmu minum.
  • The key is to keep your mind off it.
    Kuncinya adalah buanglah semua pikiranmu.
  • Max, take my original estimate - and shove it up my ass.
    Max, ambil penilaian awalku dan buanglah.
  • Flush your life down the toilet once and for all?
    Buanglah nyawamu ke toilet sekali ini untuk selamanya?
  • Throw them, throw them, they are huge!
    Lemparkan mereka, buanglah mereka, mereka yang besar!
  • Come on, put that shit down and let's go.
    Ayo, buanglah omong kosong itu jauh-jauh, ayo kita pergi.
  • [ Hendricks ] All right, cast off the bowline.
    Baiklah, buanglah bowline tersebut.
  • Wide body, kerb it next time.
    Tubuh lebar, lain kali buanglah di pinggirjalan!
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5