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busyet bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "busyet"
  • Hard work and a crippling mortgage. Shoot!
    Kerja keras dan melumpuhkan mengadaikan yang tidak berguna, busyet!
  • They got sweet soy sauce here, Yal. What?
    Busyet deh, ada kali kecap disini Al
  • Damn, you left a few on the other side.
    Busyet, kau tinggalkan bagian tubuh di dimensi lain.
  • You gym at two locations just for the eye-candy?
    Busyet, ngecengin ABG aje ampe fitnes di dua tempat.
  • Shit, you should really see your face.
    Busyet, kau benar² harus lihat wajahmu sendiri.
  • Damn, Derrick-T's new ride is tight!
    Busyet, mobil baru Derrick-T keren!
  • My, you do live dangerously.
    "Busyet", "Nekat" juga hidup-mu
  • It would send to house in the Beverly Hills, the swimming pool and everything else.
    Busyet, rumah Beverly Hills, kolam renang dan semua dalam hitungan detik.
  • No, the point is to want it to work and then go, "Oh, shucks," when it doesn't.
    Bukan, intinya kita ingin benda itu bekerja dan lalu, "Oh, busyet," saat itu tak terjadi.
  • The blip, blip, blip of the gas indicator has now lost to the thump, thump, thump of my heartbeat. "Oh no... Will I ever get to the gas station?" Panic.
    Klip, Klip indikator bensin kini kalah kencang dengan dag, dig, dug detak janrungku. "Busyet, nyampe kaga nih ke SPBU?" Panik.