cabang-fisika bahasa Inggris
- cabang: branch; branches; offshoot; subsidiary; bough; divergence; fork; limb; subdivision; confluence; offset; leg; branching; meeting; arm; spin-off; outgrowth; knot; affiliate; forking; ramification; for
- fisika: natural philosophy; physics; physical; physical science
- cabang-cabang ilmu: branches of science
- ahli fisika: physicist
- bercabang-cabang: separate; divide; dissever; carve up; break open; ramify; fork; break; branch; cleave; part; rive; burst; furcate; break up; split; split up
- besaran fisika: physical quantities; physical quantity
- buku fisika: physics books
- cabang akustik: acoustic branch; acoustics branch
- cabang akustis: acoustical branch
- cabang arus: branch conductor
- cabang astronomi: astronomy subfields
- cabang bank: bank branch
- cabang biologi: branches of biology
- cabang falsafah: branches of philosophy
- cabang filsafat: branches of philosophy