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cair bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "cair"
  • Their brain does not slosh around like ours does.
    Otak mereka tidak cair seperti otak kita.
  • That is Cair Paravel, the castle of the four thrones.
    Itu Cair Paravel, istana keempat tahta.
  • But that's not water, it's liquid natural gas
    Tapi itu bukan air, melainkan gas alam cair
  • There are other places to look for liquid water.
    Ada tempat lain untuk mencari air cair.
  • It's not about the fluid, man. It's about the image!
    Ini bukan tentang barang cair, bung.
  • Soy sauce is liquid, and it has gluten in it.
    Kecap memang cair, tapi mengandung perekat.
  • Well, I would kill for a hot fudge sundae.
    Aku sangat menginginkan es krim cokelat cair.
  • It felt like I was paddling through liquid silver.
    Rasanya seperti sedang mengayuh lewat perak cair.
  • Hey, you want to get burned by molten metal?
    Hei, kalian mau terbakar dengan logam cair?
  • Liquid water cannot persist on the lunar surface.
    Air cair tidak bisa bertahan di permukaan Bulan.
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