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chester bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "chester"
  • And Chester Carlson, the inventor, was a patent attorney.
    Chester Carlson, si penemu, seorang pengacara paten.
  • The house of a Dr. Chester Lowe, 18 Willoughby Road.
    Dirumah Dr Chester Lowe ... -JalanWilloughby18.
  • What do you do with the frogs, Chester?
    Apa yang kau lakukan dengan katak itu, Chester?
  • Try to South Africa scored by Chester Williams.
    skor untuk Afrika Selatan dicetak oleh Chester Williams.
  • Yes, but did not tell Chester about this.
    Ya, tapi tidak memberitahu Chester tentang hal ini.
  • Chester wanted me to come by and hold Elmer's hand.
    Chester ingin datang untuk mendukung Elmer.
  • Mm-hmm. Well, Chester Conway... organized it for him to be killed.
    Chester Conway... telah membuatnya terbunuh.
  • Mary kept Chester on a pretty short leash.
    Mary menjaga Chester dengan ikatan yang cukup singkat.
  • I promised Chester V I would go alone.
    Aku berjanji pada Chester V akan pergi sendirian.
  • Today, Chester's Mill sentences Dale Barbara to death.
    Hari ini, Chester Mill menghukum mati Dale Barbara.
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