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dania bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "dania"
  • dangsing, bagmati:    dangsing, nuwakot
  • daniel:    book of daniel; ahmad.daniyal; ahmad.daniyal|sandbox; daniel (biblical figure); daniel
  • danglas, abra:    danglas
  • daniel 11:    daniel's final vision
  • dangkalan:    continental shelf; shallows
  • daniel 5:    belshazzar's feast
  • dangkal:    kitsch; shallow; superficial; narrow; shopworn; threadbare; timeworn; old-hat; trite; superior; tired; trivial; well-worn; commonplace; stock; hackneyed; banal
  • daniel 6:    daniel in the lions' den
  • Dania Beach, Florida, is home to about 20 introduced vervets.
    Pantai Dania, Florida merupakan rumah dari 20 vervet yang dimasukan.
  • Tropic Cay Beach Resort Hotel Fort Lauderdale
    Le Meridien Dania Beach At Fort Lauderdale Airport Hotel
  • Name of the car park Teknik Bjovlund Syd
    TransParking › Dania › Teknik Bjovlund Syd
  • Hilton Fort Lauderdale Beach Resort Fort Lauderdale Fl
    Le Meridien Dania Beach At Fort Lauderdale Airport Hotel
  • Circus Circus Hotel, Casino & Theme Park Hotel
    Le Meridien Dania Beach At Airport Hotel
  • © 2012-2017 International Wine Agency by Dania Faggian – VAT 03279320273
    ©2012-2017 International Wine Agency di Dania Faggian - P.I. 03279320273
  • Cayden Boyd as Young Warren Worthington III Dania Ramirez as Callisto The leader of The Omegas, Callisto is a mutant with enhanced superhumanly acute senses, who senses mutants and their powers, and possesses superhuman speed and reflexes.
    Dania Ramirez sebagai Callisto Pemimpin The Omegas, Callisto adalah mutan dengan indra super akut yang disempurnakan, yang merasakan mutan dan kekuatan mereka, dan memiliki kecepatan dan refleks super manusia.