demielinasi bahasa Inggris
- penyakit demielinasi: demyelinating disease
- demian (novel): demian
- demi-glas: demi-glace
- demigod (permainan video): demigod (video game)
- demi yang terbaik: for the best
- demik: chance on; coin; come upon; expunge; fall; collide with; move; chance upon; come across; come to; take up; shine; impinge on; impress; run into; attain; affect; mint; strickle; discover; walk out; h
- demi utk kepentingan: sake
- demikian: so; thus; besides; such; too; thereby; likewise; as well; like; indeed; similarly; also
- demi tuhan: for god's sake; for goodness' sake; for heaven’s sake
- demikian banyak waktu: so much time
- Diameter is not the same as roundness Roundness measurements at NIST
Demielinasi adalah gejala robeknya selubung mielin pada neuron.