dengan-syarat bahasa Inggris
- dengan syarat: by condition of; on condition that
- dengan syarat apa: under what conditions
- dengan syarat bahwa: on the promise that
- dengan syarat dirahasiakan: under the seal of secrecy
- dengan syarat ini: on this understanding
- syarat: condition; stipulation; term; provision; qualification; requirement; consideration; necessary; precondition; proviso; essential; reservation; requisite; requirements; prerequisite; circumstance; nec
- syarat-syarat: terms
- syarat-syarat pembayaran: terms of payment
- atas syarat: on approval
- dgn syarat: provided
- memenuhi syarat: measure up; measured up; measuring up; qualify; qualifying; up the mark; up to standard; eligible; fill / fit the bill; qualified; meet
- mempunyai syarat: had the makings; have the makings; having the makings
- syarat awal: initial condition
- syarat batas: boundary condition
- syarat bragg: bragg condition