dermatomikosis bahasa Inggris
- dermatologi: dermatology
- dermatitis seboroik: seborrhoeic dermatitis
- dermawan: benign; benignant; bounteous; bountiful; generous; philanthropical; philanthropist; benefactor; benevolent; charitable; free; lavish; philanthropic; munificence; giving; philanthropic gift; liberal;
- dermatitis seborea: seborrhoeic dermatitis
- dermawan amerika syarikat: american philanthropists
- dermatitis kontak iritan: irritant contact dermatitis
- dermawan azerbaijan: azerbaijani philanthropists
- dermoid: dermoid cyst
- Depending on the type of fungus, an effective method of its elimination implies the use of appropriate medications. Fungal lesions of the scalp can be treated by applying drugs in a tablet form, and dermatomycosis can be treated with ointments.
Bergantung pada jenis jamur, metode eliminasi yang efektif menyiratkan penggunaan obat-obatan yang tepat. Lesi jamur pada kulit kepala dapat diobati dengan menerapkan obat dalam bentuk tablet, dan dermatomikosis dapat diobati dengan salep.