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direksi bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "direksi"
  • The board of directors the trustees and Mr Nolan.
    Dewan direksi, para wali dan Mr Nolan.
  • I serve at the pleasure of the chairman of the board.
    Saya bekerja dengan dewan direksi.
  • Sue, the directors, both from the jane addams academy
    Sue, direksi, baik dari Jane Addams akademi
  • There are seven members of the Byzantium board of directors.
    Ada tujuh anggota dewan direksi Byzantium.
  • You didn't want Curtis on the foundation board.
    Anda tidak ingin Curtis Duduk di kursi direksi.
  • I take it you're not on the board of directors.
    Aku rasa kamu bukan dewan direksi.
  • The board won't care about a few extra line items.
    Direksi tak peduli soal tambahan materi.
  • And the board will be descending at any moment.
    Dan direksi bisa turun tangan tiap saat.
  • It also supports Apple Computer's QuickTime.
    Selain itu ia juga duduk dalam badan direksi Apple Computer.
  • Won't the directors want you to handle that?
    Tidak akan direksi ingin Anda mengatasinya ?
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