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farisi bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "farisi"
  • "Woe to you, scribes, Pharisees and hypocrites.
    "Celakalah kamu, ahli-ahli Taurat, Orang Farisi dan orang-orang munafik.
  • They all burst into Simon's home.
    Perempuan berdosa itu masuk ke rumah Simon orang Farisi.
  • Are you a scribe or a Pharisee?
    Apakah kau ahli taurat atau seorang Farisi?
  • Comedians and satirists also fear prosecution for their work.
    Orang Farisi dan para ahli Taurat bersalah karena melakukan legalisme.
  • The crafty Pharisees were old hands at bluffing.
    Dan orang-orang Farisi yang besar penyesat , melek huruf dan licik .
  • The Pharisees apparently hate the man.
    Orang Farisi ternyata membenci Orang itu.
  • Argues with the scribes and Pharisees in the synagogue.
    Berdebat dengan ahli-ahli Taurat dan Farisi di Sinagog (rumah ibadat kaum Yahudi).
  • Because of the Pharisees' authority, people regarded the fringe with a mystical quality.
    Karena otoritas Farisi, orang-orang memandang jumbai itu mempunyai kualitas mistis.
  • The sects of Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, and Zealots were formed during this period.
    Sekte Farisi, Saduki, Eseni, dan Zelot terbentuk selama periode ini.
  • 54Why Have I Taken the Path of the Pharisees?
    70Mengapa Aku Sudah Mengambil Jalan Orang Farisi?
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