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flora bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "flora"
  • Is there something you'd like to say to Flora?
    Ada yang ingin kau katakan pada Flora?
  • They're finally charging that waiter with Flora's murder.
    Mereka akhirnya menuntut pelayan itu, atas pembunuhan Flora.
  • Flora and fauna are typical of tropical rainforest.
    Flora dan faunanya unik, tipikal hutan hujan mini.
  • Tom shows his plan to Weaver on a map.
    Sebuah alat untuk menyebarkan flora di peta.
  • It's the most apt prediction Flora has made in years.
    Itu ramalan paling tepat Flora telah membuatnya,
  • Flora greatly appreciated "The Elephant Who Stays Forever."
    Flora sangat menyukai "Gajah yang Tinggal Selamanya."
  • Mr. Wildhorn wrote a story for Flora's birthday.
    Tn. Wildhorn membuat cerita untuk Ultah Flora.
  • The earth, the air, water, the flora, fauna, everything.
    Bumi, udara, air, flora, fauna, segalanya!
  • They need to know the truth about Flora. Why?
    Mereka harus tahu kebenaran tentang Flora.
  • Maybe Flora was killed 'cause of what she was doing.
    Mungkin Flora dibunuh, karena apa yang dilakukannya.
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