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fulton bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "fulton"
  • Jesse, make sure you give Fulton plenty of time.
    Jesse, kau buat Fulton memiliki cukup waktu
  • Chewed up 600 homes in Fulton County alone.
    Dikunyah sampai 600 rumah di Fulton di sendirian.
  • Paige said that Coach Fulton was gonna be here.
    Kata Paige, Pelatih Fulton akan datang kemari.
  • Blind Dog Fulton was born Willie Brown.
    Willie Brown nama lain dari Blind Dog Fulton.
  • They call me Blind Dog Fulton.
    Mereka memanggilku Blind Dog Fulton. (Fulton si Anjing Buta)
  • Fulton Reed has to be restrained by the referee.
    Fulton Reed pasti dihukum oleh wasit.
  • I grew up at St Teresa's on Fulton Street.
    Aku dibesarkan di St Teresa di Jalan Fulton.
  • Around. - Freddie says Brandon hooked you up.
    Freddie bilang Brandon Fulton yang membuatmu kecanduan.
  • ...reporting live from the Fulton County Courthouse.
    ... melaporkan langsung dari Fulton County Courthouse .
  • Fulton, is it true what they say ?
    Fulton, benarkah yang mereka katakan ?
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