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hadap bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "hadap"
  • Number 2 company, right face! - Number 3 company, fall in.
    Kompi 2, Hadap ke depan!
  • You stirred up your fellow prisoners against me.
    Kamu bangki sesama tahanan kamu hadap aku.
  • Pledges of Theta Nu Theta, face front!
    anggota baru Theta Nu Theta, hadap ke muka!
  • I'm trying to think. Anderson, face the other way.
    Anderson, hadap ke arah lain.
  • Turn to your left, please, all of you.
    Hadap ke kiri, silakan, kalian semua.
  • I tried to seduce the girls, to sin against the flesh.
    Aku coba rayu gadis-gadis, buat dosa hadap daging.
  • I'm worse. Just face the wall. Turn that stupid thing off!
    Aku lebih buruk. hadap kedinding matikan benda itu!
  • Face the wall, hands on your head.
    Hadap tembok, tangan di belakang kepala!
  • Face the drone and place your weapon on the ground.
    Hadap ke drone dan letakkan senjata Anda di tanah.
  • She had defended herself against him.
    Dia telah bela dirinya hadap dirinya.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4