hambat-medan bahasa Inggris
- hambat: attract; hinder; impede; hold back; blocked; hamper; checked; handicap; appeal
- medan: battlefield; square; field; sq; subject area; stadium; study; field of study; subject field; sphere; orbit; place; discipline; domain; area; piazza; subject; terrain; bailiwick; arena; field of view
- daya hambat: resistibility; resistivity; resitibility; impedance
- gaya hambat: drag (physics)
- hambat dalam: internal resistance
- hambat deferensial: differential resistance
- hambat dielektrik: dielectric resistance
- hambat efektif: effective resistance
- hambat elektrik: electric resistance; impedance
- hambat induktif: induction-resistance
- hambat maknetis: magnetic resistance
- hambat pengatur: regulating resistance
- hambat pengimbang: balancing resistance
- hambat pengisian: charging resistance
- hambat samar: apparent resistance