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hormat bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "hormat"
  • I heard that he's really respectful towards his father.
    Saya dengar dia sangat hormat pada ayahnya.
  • You and your friends should show me some respect.
    Kau dan teman-temanmu mestinya menunjukkan rasa hormat.
  • A salute is customary to a general, Herr Oberst.
    hormat adalah adat kpd jenderal, Herr Oberst.
  • Finally he was dishonorably discharged, Section 8.
    Akhirnya ia diberhentikan tidak hormat , Bagian 8 .
  • Would you mind very much holding on to this?
    Dengan hormat, apa kau keberatan memegangkan ini?
  • Nalissa, niece of Ducalon, came to pay homage, sire.
    NaIissa, Keponakan DucaIon, datang memberi hormat, Tuan.
  • We haven't had respect since we were born!
    Kami tidak memiliki rasa hormat semenjak kami dilahirkan!
  • With all due respect, Don Hector, I disagree.
    Dengan segala hormat, Don Hector, Aku tidak setuju.
  • Perhaps, Your Grace, we shall think on it, but
    Mungkin, Yang Hormat, kita boleh memikirkannya, tapi
  • I am Your Grace's servant, as God is my witness.
    Aku hamba Yang Hormat, Tuhan saksiku.
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