jalur-kontak bahasa Inggris
- kontak: contact; impinging; striking
- jalur: strip; course; line; path; magnetic tape; stripes; stretch; radio spectrum; band; waveband; slip; light beam; ray of light; bar; stria; shaft; route; lane; beam of light; banding; line of merchandis
- alihragam kontak: contact transformation
- aparat-kontak: contact apparatus
- batang kontak: rod-collector
- benda-kontak: contact piece
- bidang-kontak: contact surface; running surface
- blok-kontak: contact-stud
- borstel-kontak: contact brush
- cakera-kontak: contact disc
- detektor-kontak: contact-detector
- eretan-kontak: contact bridge
- gagang-kontak: contact-holder
- hambat-kontak: contact-resistance
- item kontak: contact item