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jus bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "jus"
  • They even hosted juice stations.
    pemandu sorak di pinggir jalan. Mereka bahkan menyediakan gerai jus buah.
  • Chicken stock, egg yolks and lemon juice.
    Itu sup. Kaldu ayam, kuning telur, dan jus lemon.
  • This is the Nobel Prize juice Set sail for England
    Ini adalah jus Nobel Berlayar Inggris
  • We're gonna squeeze some juice from you, big apple!
    Kami akan memeras jus darimu, apel besar!
  • But it's all wheatgrass juice and pumpkin seeds now.
    Ini semua jus wheatgrass dan biji labu.
  • Get some juice back in his voice.
    Dapatkan sedikit jus ot kembali suaranya. Piss ott, Les.
  • Help us squeeze some juice out of them batteries.
    Bantu kami memeras jus dari mereka baterai.
  • I work at my uncle's fruit-juice shop, all right!
    Aku bekerja di toko jus pamanku oke!
  • He started a fruit-juice shop at a bus shelter.
    Dia membuka toko jus di halte bus.
  • Also, might I recommend my fresh fruit juices?
    Juga, mungkin l merekomendasikan jus segar buah saya?
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