kampus bahasa Inggris
- folk kampus: campus folk song
- lawatan kampus: campus tour
- pemerkosaan kampus: campus sexual assault
- polisi kampus: campus police
- kampus universitas negeri michigan: campus of michigan state university
- lembaga dakwah kampus: campus dakwah institute
- masjid kampus ugm: ugm campus mosque
- universitas ucsi, kampus sarawak: ucsi university, sarawak campus
- kampus bintulu universiti putra malaysia: universiti putra malaysia bintulu campus
- kampus sarawak universitas teknologi swinburne: swinburne university of technology sarawak campus
- stasiun kampus universitas tenggara chengxian: southeast university chengxian college station
- stasiun kampus universitas tenggara jiulonghu: southeast university jiulonghu campus station
- stasiun kampus xianlin universitas nanjing: nanjing university xianlin campus station
- universiti putra malaysia kampus bintulu: universiti putra malaysia bintulu campus
- universiti teknologi swinburne kampus sarawak: swinburne university of technology sarawak campus
- Could you tell me how to get to the medical school?
Bisa tunjukkan arah kampus kedokteran? - So, do you like your job at the college, Roland?
Kau suka bekerja di kampus, Roland? - No. Has anybody talked to the campus security officer?
Sudah ada yang menghubungi kantor satpam kampus? - Up for a couple of turns around the campus?
Up untuk beberapa putaran di sekitar kampus? - Dean Cain expects us off campus by Monday.
Dekan Cain suruh kita tinggalkan kampus hari Senin. - I'Il, uh, be stopping by your campus tomorrow morning.
I'Il, uh, bisa mampir kampus besok pagi. - None of us are enrolled in the college.
Tidak ada dari kita yang terdaftar di kampus. - She goes to one of the best schools.
Dia menjadi salah satu yang terbaik di kampus - Yeah, well, it's the cheapest rent on campus.
Yeah, well, itu adalah apartement termurah di kampus. - And the lads at college don't need an excuse.
Dan teman-teman di kampus tidak perlu alasan.