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kehangatan bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "kehangatan"
  • kehancuran agama buddha di india:    decline of buddhism in the indian subcontinent
  • kehancuran:    debacia; destruction; knell; molder; ruin; ruination; disintegration; undoing; damage; fiasco; prostration; holocaust; collapse; wipeout; harm; debacle; demise; rack; obliteration; end; breakdown; d
  • kehangusan hati:    wild; tempestuous; angry; raging; furious
  • kehampaan tinggi:    high vacuum
  • kehantaran akustik:    acoutistic; acoutistic conductivity
  • kehampaan (rasi bintang):    emptiness (chinese constellation)
  • kehantaran molekul:    molecular conductivity
  • kehampaan:    emptiness; vacancy; conceit; disheartenment; futility; vanity; vacuum; discouragement; disappointment; letdown; vacuity; conceitedness; defeat; void; nihility; dismay; blankness; frustration; nullit
  • keharmonian:    concord
  • We think warmth and smiles convey honesty, sincerity.
    kita berpikir kehangatan dan senyuman menyatakan kejujuran, ketulusan.
  • A jewel has brilliant fire, but gives no warmth.
    Permata memang terang, tapi tak memberi kehangatan.
  • I wanna thank you for your warmth and compassion.
    Saya berterima kasih atas kehangatan dan perhatianmu.
  • The affectionate warmth without form that you showed to me
    Kau telah menunjukkan kepadaku... Bentuk kehangatan
  • Steller's sea lions huddle together to share warmth.
    singa laut Steller bersama kerumunan untuk kehangatan berbagi.
  • These bodies provide nutrition, warmth and protective shelter.
    Mayat-mayat ini memberikannya nutrisi, kehangatan, dan tempat perlindungan.
  • To feel the warmth of your skin? To prove their lips?
    Merasakan kehangatan kulitnya, mengecup bibirnya?
  • His warmth and guidance torn from our hands
    Kehangatan dan keteladannya telah dirampas dari tangan kita.
  • And supplies the universe with warmth and light.
    Dan persediaan alam semesta dengan kehangatan dan cahaya.
  • Normally, these animals would huddle together for warmth.
    Biasanya, mereka akan meringkuk bersama untuk mencari kehangatan.
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