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kekakuan bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "kekakuan"
  • Anything's better than Hell- ton hash Knox.
    Apa saja lebih baik ketimbang kekakuan di Hell-ton, Knox.
  • They worked out the kinks in the second version.
    Mereka berhasil atasi kekakuan di versi kedua.
  • The flexure spring stiffness is independent of spin rate.
    Kekakuan lentur semi independen dari tingkat spin.
  • There was an extreme rigidity of the axial musculature.
    Ada kekakuan ekstrim dari otot-otot aksial.
  • Well... that depends on where this kink is located.
    Well... itu tergantung di mana sumber kekakuan itu.
  • This increased rigidity influences the stereoselectivity of the polymerization process.
    Peningkatan kekakuan ini memengaruhi stereoselektivitas proses polimerisasi.
  • It is a brain stem type of rigidity.
    Ini adalah batang otak jenis kekakuan.
  • From ancient grudge break to new mutiny
    Dari pertentangan kuno berubah melawan kekakuan hukum
  • Uh, it seems Spot has developed some stiffness in his hindquarters.
    Sepertinya Spot mengalami kekakuan pada belakang tubuhnya.
  • No, no. I... I'm sorry.
    Tidak, maafkan aku itu hanya Gurauan, pemecah kekakuan
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