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kelabit bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "kelabit"
  • The Kelabit and Lun Bawang people are known for their production of fragrant rice.
    Suku Kelabit dan Lun Bawang dikenal karena produksi beras harum mereka.
  • After the Second World War the Kelabit people received visits from Christian missionaries of the Borneo Evangelical Mission.
    Setelah Perang Dunia Kedua, suku Kelabit didatangi para misionaris Kristen dari Sidang InjiliBorneo.
  • With a population of approximately 6,600 people (2013) the Kelabit comprise one of the smallest ethnic groups in Sarawak.
    Dengan populasi sekitar 6,600 orang (2013), Kelabit menjadi salah satu kelompok etnis terkecil di Sarawak.
  • Batu Lawi is a twin-peaked mountain in the Kelabit Highlands of Sarawak, Malaysia (Borneo) that has played important roles in both ancient mythology and modern history.
    Batu Lawi adalah sebuah gunung puncak kembar di Dataran Tinggi Kelabit, Sarawak, Malaysia (Borneo) yuang memainkan peran penting dalam sejarah mitologi kuno dan modern.
  • Though the Malays were typically receptive toward the Japanese, other indigenous tribes such as the Iban, Kayan, Kenyah, Kelabit and Lun Bawang maintained a hostile attitude toward them because of policies such as compulsory labour, forced deliveries of foodstuffs, and confiscation of firearms.
    Meskipun orang Melayu biasanya bersikap baik terhadap Jepang, suku-suku asli lainnya seperti Iban, Kayan, Kenyah, Kelabit dan Lun Bawang memandang buruk mereka karena kebijakan-kebijakan seperti buruh paksa, pemaksaan mengirimkan kebutuhan makanan, dan penyiataan senjata api.
  • In the past, because there were few roads (only poorly maintained logging roads, which tended not to be too close to the Bario Highlands) and because the area was largely inaccessible by river because of rapids, the highlands and the Kelabit were relatively untouched by modern western influences.
    Pada masa lampau, karena ada beberapa jalan (terutama jalan-jalan penebangan yang tidak terlalu dekat dengan Dataran Tinggi Bario) dan kawasan tersebut sebagian besar kurang terakses oleh sungai karena deras, dataran tinggi tersebut dan suku Kelabit relatif tak tersentuf oleh pengaruh barat modern.