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kesaktian bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "kesaktian"
  • kesaksian yang memberatkan kawan sendiri:    state's evidence
  • kesaksian tentang apapun yang didengar:    testimonial whatever be heard
  • kesal:    irked; irking; sorry; aggravate; annoyance; annoyed; browned off; chafe; crusty; displeased; edgy; frustrate; grudge; mind; peeved; resent; smart; snappy; sore; take on; tear one’s hair; tear one’s
  • kesaksian palsu:    perjury
  • kesal hati:    in a bad humour; irk; annoy
  • kesaksian nayirah:    nayirah testimony
  • kesalah pahaman:    miscomprehension; misunderstanding
  • kesaksian:    testimony; witnesseth; evidence
  • kesalahan:    error; fault; fault in; guiltiness; lapse; mistake; offence; offense; oversight; tort; wrongness; balls-up; boob; cock-up; erroneousness; gaffe; guilt; incorrectness; perverseness; wrong; howler; ga
  • And this was a special name.
    Yang ini sepertinya artinya "kesaktian samudera" dalam bahasa Polinesia.
  • Durga, the epitome of creative feminine energy, or shakti.
    Durga adalah lambang energi kreatif seorang wanita, kesaktian.
  • But the power of the Ring could not be undone.
    Namun kesaktian cincin tersebut tidak bisa ditandingi.
  • By the skills of Lord Elrond, you're beginning to mend.
    Dengan kesaktian Lord Elrond, kau akan sembuh.
  • The mountain itself was created by fault activity.
    Sumur raksasa pun tercipta berkat kesaktian Mahesasura.
  • You're messing with the wrong man. I've got a reputation, you know.
    Kalian salah orang, Aku punya kesaktian
  • We bought into the magic of Ragnar Lothbrok.
    Kami percaya dengan kesaktian Ragnar Lothbrok.
  • He has supernatural powers, she is a gift from mother Sindhu
    Dia punya kesaktian , dia anugerah dari ibu Sindhu
  • Uncle teaches the king of archery.
    Betara Guru memberi kesaktian pada Arjuna.
  • But when they started on them, the vampires screamed in pain.
    Tapi saat mereka mulai memakan mereka, Para Vampire berteriak kesaktian.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3