Masuk Daftar

ketok bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "ketok"
  • At noon, come knock on the door.
    Kalau sudah jam 12 siang, kau ketok pintunya.
  • You knock your way, I'll knock mine.
    Kau ketok caramu, aku dengan caraku.
  • If it's important, you knock.
    Jika itu penting, ketok pintu kamar Ibu.
  • You could have just knocked.
    Kau seharusnya ketok pintu saja.
  • And you knocked, right?
    Dan kau sudah ketok, kan?
  • P3JBT 2015 Proposed be Resolved at July 2014
    P3JBT 2015 Diusulkan Ketok Palu Juli 2014
  • You tell us first
    "ketok pintu nanya jalan"
  • Hotel luxury motion sensor faucet auto taps electric tap supplier China--Armati 931 108.000
    Hotel gerak méwah sensor keran otomatis taps supplier ketok listrik China - Armati 931 108.000
  • Type scripting into the Quick find box; in Extensions group, mark the Scripting checkbox then tap Save button.
    Ngetik scripting kana Quick find kotak; di Extensions group, cirian Scripting kotak centang teras ketok Save tombol.