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kisi bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "kisi"
  • I'm rerouting the damping field through the deflector grid.
    Aku mengalihkan medan redaman melewati kisi deflektor.
  • Relentless and undeterred, my shadow moved the sun.
    Na Kisi Se Bhi Vaasta Tak butuh siapapun
  • We were having a disagreement about the power grid.
    Kami berselisih paham tentang kisi daya.
  • The new relays on the power grid aren't holding!
    pemancar baru di kisi daya tak bisa bertahan.
  • The lattice constants of silicon nitride and silicon are different.
    Konstanta kisi silikon nitrida dan silikon berbeda.
  • I'm as good as the best
    Hum Kisi Se Kum Nahin Hain I'm as good as the best
  • My fiancé had a name that was grating to the ear
    Tunangan saya memiliki nama yang kisi ke telinga,
  • When I smell the flower of love
    Pyar Kisi Se Hota Hain When I smeII the fIower of Iove
  • It's growing down through some grating.
    Ini tumbuh ke bawah melalui beberapa kisi.
  • A crystal family is determined by lattices and point groups.
    Suatu keluarga kristal ditentukan oleh kisi dan grup titik.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5