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kivu bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "kivu"
  • The staff of Kivu Lodge have fled.
    Staf Kivu Lodge telah pergi.
  • Rwanda has many lakes, the largest being Lake Kivu.
    Rwanda punya banyak danau, dan danau yang terbesar adalah Danau Kivu.
  • It is situated near the western bank of Lake Kivu and the Rwandan border.
    Tempat tersebut berada di dekat tepi barat Danau Kivu dan perbatasan Rwanda.
  • Lake Kivu empties into the Ruzizi River, which flows southwards into Lake Tanganyika.
    Danau Kivu bermuara ke Sungai Ruzizi, yang ke selatan mengalir ke Danau Tanganyika.
  • "In the province of North Kivu, he is scheduled to meet with Ebola survivors and health workers during a visit to an Ebola treatment center," Dujarric said.
    "Di provinsi Kivu Utara, dia dijadwalkan bertemu dengan para penyintas dan pekerja kesehatan Ebola selama kunjungan ke pusat perawatan Ebola," kata Dujarric.
  • The majority of cases have been concentrated in North Kivu and Ituri provinces, in the country's northeast, but cases have emerged in other parts of the country.
    Mayoritas kasus terkonsentrasi di provinsi Kivu Utara dan Ituri, di timur laut negara itu, tetapi kasus telah muncul di bagian lain negara itu.
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