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koreografer bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "koreografer"
  • He was a great guy.
    Dia seorang pria yang luar biasa, koreografer yang handal dan penari
  • Thanks, Bree, but I'm not really a choreographer.
    Terima kasih, Bree, tapi aku sebenarnya bukan koreografer.
  • "Connected" is a collaboration with choreographer Gideon Obarzanek.
    "Connected" adalah kolaborasi dengan koreografer Gideon Obarzanek.
  • Chris is going to be... the new... official... choreographer of JDC.
    Chris akan menjadi..., Koreografer barunya JDC.
  • In 1975 he worked as a freelance choreographer.
    Tahun 1975, ia bekerja sebagai koreografer bebas.
  • An exciting young choreographer who is working with my students.
    Koreografer muda bersemangat yang sedang berkolaborasi dengan murid-muridku.
  • Who said you were going to take over our choreography?
    Siapa bilang kau akan mengambil alih koreografer kami?
  • I choreographed this piece with her in mind.
    Saya koreografer sepotong dengannya dalam pikiran.
  • And he said his sister's a choreographer..
    Dan dia mengatakan adiknya itu koreografer ..
  • Oh, most talented choreographer in the universe and beyond!
    Koreografer paling berbakat di dunia!
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