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lichtenstein bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "lichtenstein"
  • roy lichtenstein:    roy lichtenstein; lichtenstein
  • lichtenfels (distrik):    lichtenfels (district)
  • lichtenfels (daerah):    lichtenfels (district)
  • lici:    lychee; leechee; litchi nut; lichi; litchi; litchee; lichee
  • lichtenfels:    lichtenfels, bavaria
  • licik:    artful; consummately; crafty; cunning; elfish; shifty; sly; tricky; up to snuff; crooked; deceitful; foxy; slick; slippery; sneaky; two-faced; wily; backstairs; play a trick on; play tricks; trick;
  • lichtenberg, hof:    lichtenberg, bavaria
  • licin:    longheaded; slimy; slippery; smooth; artful; greasy; sleek; silken; liquid; fluent; slick; refined; wily; slippy; tricksy; silky; cunning; fluid; guileful; fine; capricious; foxy; satiny; delicate;
  • lichtenberg, bautzen:    lichtenberg (lausitz)
  • licin dan basah:    slippery
  • I am Sir Ulrich von Lichtenstein from Gelderland.
    Aku Sir Ulrich von Lichtenstein dari Gelderland.
  • Uh, Mr. Lichtenstein, you have a message.
    Eh, Pak Lichtenstein , Anda memiliki pesan .
  • Unfortunately, Mr. Lichtenstein only speaks German.
    Sayangnya , Mr Lichtenstein hanya berbicara bahasa Jerman .
  • Behold my Lord Ulrich von Lichtenstein, son of
    Inilah Tuanku Ulrich von Lichtenstein, putra--
  • For sword on foot, Ulrich von Lichtenstein.
    Untuk pedang tak berkuda, Ulrich von Lichtenstein.
  • Lichtenstein is a crazy invention of my father's.
    Lichtenstein adalah gila penemuan ayahku .
  • Mr. Lichtenstein, thank you for joining.
    Mr Lichtenstein , terima kasih untuk bergabung .
  • The one, the only Sir Ulrich von Lichtenstein!
    Satu-satunya Sir Ulrich.. ...von Lichtenstein!
  • He's quick, he's funny and makes lots of money, Lichtenstein!
    Dia cepat, dia lucu dan hasilkan banyak uang, Lichtenstein!
  • Is there a Mr. Lichtenstein here?
    Apakah ada Mr Lichtenstein di sini ?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5