lontiok bahasa Inggris
- lonte: whore; whoredom; harlotry; bitch; prostitution; slut
- lontaran massa korona: coronal mass ejection
- lontong gulai: lontong sayur
- lontaran: start; debut; commencement; cam stroke; fling; entry; shot; beginning; throw; stroke; cast; launching; introduction; projectile; first appearance; hurl; unveiling; roll
- lonté: prostitute
- lontara bilang-bilang: lontara bilang-bilang script
- looc, mindoro barat: looc, occidental mindoro
- lontar tukul besi: hammer throw
- look (album mini): look (ep)
- Lontiok term corresponds to the form of roof ridge which is arched upward as a symbol to honor the God Allah.
Masyarakat Kampar percaya bahwa bentuk melengkung atap rumah Lontiok menjadi simbok penghormatan terhadap Tuhan yang mahakuasa.