maros bahasa Inggris
- Mahanoy Area High School missed every academic metric in 2012.
Sekolah Madrasah Aliyah Sehati Maros Dalam Angka 2012 - 14. BC Khizhaki Kiev (Ukraine) – Nikita Bondarenko
16. BK MSK Kezmarok (Slovakia) – Maros Janicek - Ivan "Little Dragon" Godor 5'5" (165cm) 0-0-0
Maros "Little Tyson" Pacan 5'5" (166cm) Bantamweight 0-0-0 - Insights Jordan Torpy Oct 14, 2019 16 min read
Insights Maros Gardon Dez 07, 2018 8 min read - Insights Samuel Kellett Ноя 21, 2018 9 min read
Product Maros Gardon Ноя 21, 2018 2 min read - Women’s Leadership - Advocating for Community Sanitation in Maros
Hj. Asmawaty - Team Leader of Sanrima (Promosi Sanitasi), Maros - Salawati Daud was married to a government official from Maros, a guerrilla stronghold during the Indonesian War of Independence.
Salawati Daud menikah dengan seorang pejabat pemerintah dari Maros, kubu gerilya selama Perang Kemerdekaan Indonesia . - The Long Life of Saint Gerard mentions Stephen's conflict with Ajtony, a chieftain in the region of the river Maros.
Legenda Santo Gellért menyebutkan konflik István dengan Ajtony, seorang kepala suku di wilayah sungai Maros. - Not far away is Maros Karst where tall rock towers riddled with caves rise up from emerald rice fields.
Tidak jauh dari sana adalah Maros Karst di mana menara-menara batu tinggi penuh dengan gua-gua muncul dari sawah-sawah zamrud. - Conceived by Philippine banker Michael de Guzman, it commenced shortly after Marcos was forced into asylum in the United States.
Diungkap oleh banker Filipina Michael de Guzman, operasi tersebut dilakukan tak lama setelah Maros terpaksa mencari suaka di Amerika Serikat.