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marshall bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "marshall"
  • Sir, General Marshall anticipated an emergency like this.
    Sir, Jenderal Marshall diantisipasi keadaan darurat seperti ini.
  • Major Marshall, good to have you here.
    Mayor marshall , baik untuk memiliki Anda di sini.
  • It's not a monkey. Who's the Federal Wildlife Marshall here?
    Siapa Federal Wildlife of Marshall disini?
  • Marshall will fill you in on the Op Tech.
    Marshall akan mengisi Anda pada Tek Op.
  • Was it love at first sight, Mr. Marshall?
    Apakah itu cinta pada pandangan pertama, Mr Marshall?
  • Sloane outlines the mission, then Marshall reviews the tech.
    Sloanemenguraikanmisi, ulasan maka Marshall teknologi tersebut .
  • Mr. Marshall, our attempt to kill Hitler was successful.
    Marshall, upaya kami utk membunuh Hitler berhasil.
  • So, Marshall and Lily rediscovered their youth.
    Jadi, Marshall dan Lily menemukan kembali masa muda mereka.
  • Ever since Marshall put that ring on her finger,
    Sejak Marshall menaruh cincin itu di jarinya
  • Is that the same time Marshall died?
    Apa itu waktu yg sama dengan kematian Marshall ?
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