Masuk Daftar

mas bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "mas"
  • You don't have to snack on carp anymore.
    kau tidak perlu ngemil pada ikan mas lagi.
  • You, mother I want a mother in dowry
    Kau, ibu Aku ingin ibu sebagai mas kawinku
  • How much dowry did you collect from him?
    Berapa banyak mas kawin yang Anda dapatkan darinya?
  • I won't even shop around.
    Begini deh, kalo Mas turunin harganya, aku bakal beli di sini.
  • Are there any locksmiths in the area?
    Mas, apa di sekitar sini ada tukang duplikat kunci?
  • Are you sure there's a locksmith around here?
    Eh Mas, kamu yakin tukang kuncinya sekitar sini?
  • The only family you've got is a goldfish.
    Aaron? Keluarga yang kau punya adalah ikan mas.
  • I'm going to the deli for some Goldfish.
    Aku mau ke toko membeli beberapa ikan mas.
  • I've seen it ever since you were a child.
    Saya lihat sendiri dari Mas kecil dulu.
  • Your father has always taken good care of me.
    Bapak Mas yang selalu baik sama saya.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5