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maxwell bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "maxwell"
  • That is what my friend Maxwell Oates would have said.
    Itulah yang dikatakan sahabatku Maxwell Oates.
  • But if Maxwell isn't The Bishop, then who is?
    Tapi kalau Maxwell bukan Bishop, jadi siapa?
  • Maxwell, Ryan, Soledad, stop gawking and start walking!
    Maxwell, Ryan, Soledad, berhenti melamun dan mulai berjalan!
  • These interactions are described mathematically by Maxwell's equations.
    Interaksi ini dinyatakan secara matematis menggunakan persamaan Maxwell.
  • Thank you. I won't need you any more today.
    "Terima kasih, Maxwell, Anda dapat pergi.
  • I am Capt. Felix Maxwell, night security commander.
    Saya Kapten Felix Maxwell , komandan keamanan malam .
  • The Techniques... uh, Roy Maxwell and The Corsairs.
    Tehniknya... uh, Roy Maxwell and The Corsairs.
  • Alright, let's see the scores for Solatano and Maxwell.
    Baiklah, mari lihat skor untuk Solatano and Maxwell.
  • Floyd Maxwell, 15 years on the front lines.
    Floyd Maxwell, 15 tahun di harus depan.
  • October 28th, Maxwell Porter was released from Sing Sing.
    28 Oktober, Maxwell Porter dibebaskan dari Sing Sing.
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