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melahap bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "melahap"
  • melagukan:    intone; intoned; intoning; jingle; jingled; jingling; chant; sing
  • melagu:    sing
  • melahirkan:    bring into the world; bringing into the world; brought into the world; brought to bed; deliver of; delivered of; delivering of; engender; engendered; engendering; gave birth to; given birth to; givi
  • melagakkan:    strike; hit; come to
  • melahirkan (telur):    lay
  • melagak:    feature; vaunt; bluster; shoot a line; tout; blow; boast; sport; swash; gasconade; gas; brag
  • melahirkan anak:    bear children; bearing children; bore children; born children; borne children
  • melafaz utk ingatan:    cram
  • melahirkan anak kuda:    foal
  • That's the fourth one you've devoured this month.
    Itu yang keempat, kau telah melahap bulan ini.
  • The Bryde's whale devours the entire ball of fish.
    The Bryde paus melahap seluruh bola ikan.
  • The American banks are waiting to devour us.
    Bank-bank Amerika sedang menunggu untuk melahap kami .
  • Before long it will gobble up the whole village.
    Tak lama itu akan melahap seluruh desa.
  • Our Ling Ling is devouring a $3000
    Ling Ling kita telah melahap sesuatu yang bernilai $3.000.
  • They can devour your soul... draining every bit of it.
    Mereka bisa melahap jiwamu sampai habis.
  • They'll gobble me up like space dim sum!
    Mereka akan melahap saya seperti ruang dim sum!
  • When I saw it, it was feeding on that deer.
    Saat kulihat, makhluk itu melahap rusa.
  • I began reading W.E. B DuBois, Richard Wright.
    Aku mulai melahap W.E.B DuBois, Richard Wright.
  • I was reading in his spare time, I devoured.
    Aku sedang membaca di waktu luangnya, Aku melahap.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5