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melambat bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "melambat"
  • melambangkan nama:    bearing the name of
  • melambangkan:    denote; epitomize; epitomized; epitomizing; figurative; represent; symbolic; symbolize; symbolize, (also symbolise british); incarnate; map; body forth; typify; stand for; personify; lay out; substa
  • melambatkan:    slacken; slow down; slow off; slowed down; slowed off; slowen; slowened; slowing down; slowing off; relax; keep up; extend; slow; prolong; hold up; delay; slack up; stay; protract; slack; slow up; d
  • melambaikan tangan kepada -:    wave hand to
  • melambatkan jalan:    drop back
  • melambaikan:    flourish; flourished; flourishing; wave
  • melambuk:    affirm; defend; corroborate; hold up; support; plunk for; back up; back; patronage; help; stomach; abide; kick in; plump for; indorse; add; give; lead; digest; assist; keep going; tolerate; lend; pa
  • melambai-lambai:    wave; roll; undulate; flap
  • melambung:    bounce up; bounced up; bouncing up; bound; bound back; bounded back; bounding back; rebound (basketball); twitch; soar up; hyperbolic; jounce; inflated; take a hop; surge; toss; pitch; spring; jump;
  • Gets a little slow, they'll draw and quarter you.
    Sudah melambat, mereka akan menggambar dan kuartalmu.
  • The truth was business got slow and we were broke.
    Kenyataannya bisnis melambat dan kami bangkrut.
  • I'll double back and get them off your tail,
    Aku akan melambat dan mengalihkan mereka darimu.
  • Pulse is slowing down to 50 beats per minute.
    Denyut jantung melambat 50 denyut per menit.
  • This corpse's decomposition has slowed to almost zero.
    Mayat ini telah di-dekomposisi melambat hingga hampir nol.
  • That there should be places where time slows down
    Itu harus ada tempat mana waktu melambat
  • I've got keys, but it's gonna slow me down.
    aku dapat kuncinya, tapi itu membuatku melambat.
  • Jump when it slows down, but I couldn't.
    Lompatlah saat mobil melambat, tapi aku tak bisa.
  • Well, I'd be dead if I slowed down.
    Yah, aku akan mati jika aku melambat.
  • When he slows down, everything again looks normal.
    Ketika ia melambat, semuanya kembali terlihat normal.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5