melemparkan bahasa Inggris
- cast
- fling
- flipped
- flipping
- flung
- hurl
- hurled
- hurling
- pitch
- pitched
- pitching
- threw
- throw
- throwing
- thrown
- toss
- toss off
- tossed off
- tossing off
- blow
- bung
- chuck
- heave
- launch
- pelt
- shoot
- sling
- turf
- confuse
- convulse
- throw out
- bewilder
- thrash about
- hurtle
- discard
- toss out
- catapult
- toss away
- switch
- fuddle
- shake off
- cast out
- slam
- hold
- throw away
- confound
- bemuse
- project
- bedevil
- flip
- chuck out
- cast aside
- befuddle
- jactitate
- contrive
- cast away
- throw off
- put away
- give
- have
- make
- send off
- pass
- lunge
- shed
- flap down
- thresh about
- cast off
- fox
- thresh
- thrash
- thrust
- discombobulate
- drop
- slash
- sky
- dispose
- melemparkan diri: threw one's self; thrown one's self
- melemparkan kembali: cast back; casting back; threw back; throw back; throwing back; thrown back
- melemparkan badan . ke depan: thrust forward; thrusting forward
- melemparkan badan ke muka: thrust one's self forward; thrusted one's self forward
- melemparkan jauh-jauh: threw wide
- melemparkan kemana-mana: throw around; throwing around
- melemparkan uang logam: toss up
- melempari: pelt; pelted; pelting
- melempar-lemparkan: threw around; thrown around
- melempar kesalahan: place blame
- melempar ke bawah dgn kuat: precipitate
- melempar handuk: throw in the towel
- The man threw in an extra one for free.
Pria itu melemparkan tambahan satu gratis . - Well, I threw a few brick bats myself.
Yah, saya melemparkan beberapa batu bata kelelawar sendiri. - My master used to throw sticks, or a ball.
Tuanku digunakan untuk melemparkan tongkat, atau bola. - If you can this copper chucked my mouth
Jika kamu dapat melemparkan koin ini ke mulutku, - I said, drop the knife in the water.
Aku bilang aku melemparkan pisau ke dalam air. - Some kid just threw a snowball at us.
Beberapa anak hanya melemparkan bola salju di kami. - If you can stab into it with this dagger.
Jika kau bisa melemparkan pisau dengan benar - Any last words before I throw you off?
Setiap kata-kata terakhir sebelum saya melemparkan Anda keluar? - I'm gonna hurl, David, I swear to God.
Aku akan melemparkan, Daud, Aku bersumpah demi Allah. - I carelessly threw the chicken cream soup on her
Aku ceroboh melemparkan sup krim ayam di