Masuk Daftar

melumari bahasa Inggris

  • melumangkan:    sully; defile; taint; cloud; corrupt
  • meluluskan:    accede to; approve; pass; tolerate; sanction; clear; make it; slip; authorise; allow; countenance; sneak; let; authorize; okay; legislate; o.k.; permit; take into account; make pass
  • melumarkan:    smudge
  • melulu:    merely; only; wild-eyed; quixotic; entirely; alone; but; exclusively; solely; romantic
  • melumas:    inunct; rub; embrocate; oil; anoint; anele
  • meluku:    bump; knock
  • melumasi:    grease; greased; greasing; lubricate; lubricated
  • melukiskan kembali:    recreated; recreating
  • melumatkan:    crush; crush to bits; crushed to bits; crushing to bits; pulverize; pulverized; pulverizing; grind up; destroy; mince; pound; nail; powderise; put down; bray; powderize; mash; demolish; smash up; sm