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memacari bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "memacari"
  • memacani:    frighten; scare; fright; affright
  • memacakkan:    bond; bind; hold fast; stick; stick to; adhere
  • memacetkan:    back up; clog up; congest; clog; overload; choke off; choke; constipate; foul; clot
  • memacak-macak:    dust; disperse; dot; scatter; sprinkle
  • memacu:    spur on; spurred on; spurring on; race; hurry; urge on; hasten; exhort; spur; urge; gallop; press; pull
  • memacak:    imbed; stab; jab; plant; thump; thrust; poke; pierce; nose; pry; implant; prod; horn in; pound; dig; picket; engraft; intrude; embed; pitch
  • memacul:    hoe
  • memabukkan/mabuk:    sauced; blootered; soused; bingoed; trashed; bladdered; cunted; elephant’s trunk; out of it; jaked; stinko; half lit; brahms and liszt; tiddly; blotto; gished; oliver twist; tanked; three sheets to
  • memadahkan:    show; evince; express
  • He's only recently taken the jersey out of retirement.
    Dia cuma akan memacari para wanita kaya.
  • "I'm dating Lieutenant Yoon." Just that one sentence.
    "Aku memacari Letnan Yoon". Hanya satu kalimat itu.
  • What kind of women do you think they date?
    Menurutmu mereka memacari tipe wanita seperti apa?
  • Also, he asked my permission to court you.
    Dan juga, dia minya izin untuk memacari kamu.
  • Together they manage to overpower Ike and kill him.
    Parta berhasil memacari Eka dan membunuhnya.
  • The way he's taken women his whole life.
    Seperti cara dia memacari para wanita yang ada dalam hidupnya.
  • What do you mean, you don't want to date nobody?
    Apa maksudmu, Kau tak mau memacari satupun ?
  • Look who finally closed the girl next door?
    Lihat siapa akhirnya memacari tetangganya?
  • She don't wanna date a swamp boy.
    Dia tak mau memacari anak kampung.
  • This was right after you won student body president our senior year.
    Setelah kau memacari ketua organisasi siswa senior.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5