Masuk Daftar

memaki bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "memaki"
  • memaki-maki:    use bad language; used bad language; using bad language; shout; blackguard; clapperclaw; abuse
  • memakbulkan:    swallow; live with; accept
  • memakan waktu:    time-consuming
  • memakan orang:    man eating
  • memaklumi:    tolerate; tolerated; tolerating; sit still; agnise; let; translate; infer; sympathise; live; acknowledge; realize; experience; know; recognise; take the liberty; permit; cognise; cognize; sympathize
  • memakan dengan cepat:    make short work of
  • memaklumkan:    acknowledge; communicate; declare; serve notice; served notice; servingnotice; apprise; promulgate; give away; glorify; unwrap; impart; convey; tell; apprize; predicate; publicise; notify; give; div
  • memakan api:    fire eating
  • memaknakan:    clear up; crystalize; clarify; crystallise; sort out; clear; illuminate; straighten out; crystalise; shed light on; elucidate; enlighten; crystallize
  • He with the bow and me with the knives.
    Dia memakai busur dan Aku memaki pisau.
  • More dead than living, yet still conjures breath toward insult.
    Sudah sekarat, tapi msh saja memaki.
  • Alright, you can curse at other's mother only.
    Baiklah, kau dapat memaki ibu orang lain
  • No, I'm not, I'm cursing you, you stupid voice!
    Tidak, aku tidak, aku memaki kau, bodoh suara!
  • You've barely been cursing for an hour.
    kamu sudah hampir tidak memaki selama satu jam.
  • He was not as truthfull as you can smell
    Tadi bukannya dia memaki kalian busuk
  • Madam, even we can abuse in English.
    Nona, kami juga bisa memaki dalam bahasa Inggris.
  • On! Up, up, up, up. being cold, right?
    atasan naik naik naik naik bukan sedang memaki kan?
  • She becomes angry at the road and curses it.
    Ia marah dan memaki jalanan tersebut.
  • For that time you were cussing at church.
    Atas waktu saat kamu memaki di Gereja. Itu mengagumkan, teman.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5