membabarkan bahasa Inggris
- membabar: go around; scatter; overspread; disseminate; circulate; propagate; distribute; circularize; open; disperse; diffuse; fan out; spread; pass around; circularise; unfold; spread out; broadcast
- membaban: cultivate; school; teach; prepare; civilize; educate; instruct; develop; civilise; train; learn
- membabas: blow; be adrift; float; wash away; drift
- memayungi: protect
- membabat: chop down; choped down; choping down; chopped down; chopping down; fell; chop; mow
- memautkan: unite; join; link; go with; accompany; attach to; inhere in; come with; link up; connect
- membabat hutan: deforested; deforesting
- memaut (biologi): prehensility
- membabat terus -: sweep off feet
- Chirac consulted a professor at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Lausanne to explain Bush's reference.
Chirac menemui seorang profesor di Fakultas Teologi Universitas Lausanne (Swiss) untuk membabarkan pernyataan Bush tersebut. - There are altogether seven chapters in the Di Zi Gui , with each chapter listing one duty that a good person should follow in life.
Terdapat tujuh bab dalam Di Zi Gui; masing-masing membabarkan satu pokok pelajaran yang wajib diikuti seseorang untuk menjadi manusia baik. - According to Bede, Justus received letters of encouragement from Pope Boniface V (619–625), as did Mellitus, although Bede does not record the actual letters.
Beda merawikan bahwa Yustus menerima surat berisi kata-kata penyemangat dari Paus Bonifasius V (619–625), demikian pula Melitus, meskipun ia tidak membabarkan isi surat-surat itu. - In the same letter, he explained his military strategy to the Pope, stating that "ower is always greater when used in attack rather than in defence".
Dalam surat yang sama, ia membabarkan strategi militernya kepada Sri Paus, sambil menegaskan bahwa "kekuatan senantiasa lebih besar bilamana digunakan untuk menyerang daripada bertahan". - In Stephen Lawhead's novel Byzantium (1997), a young Irish monk is asked to explain Jesus' life to a group of Vikings, who were particularly impressed with Jesus' "Descent to the underworld" (Helreið).
Dalam novel Byzantium (1997), karya Stephen Lawhead, seorang rahib Irlandia muda diminta membabarkan riwayat hidup Yesus kepada sekelompok orang Viking yang sangat terkesan dengan kisah turunnya Yesus "ke alam bawah" (Helreið). - While the 8th-century Nayanar saint Sundarar says that Shiva is always inseparable from the Mother Goddess, another 7th-century Nayanar saint Sambanthar describes how the "eternal feminine" is not only his consort, but she is also part of him.
Nayanara Cuntarar pada abad ke-8 mengatakan bahwa Siwa senantiasa tak terpisahkan dari Sang Dewi Ibu, sementara Nayanara Campantar pada abad ke-7 membabarkan bahwa "keperempuanan abadi" bukan sekadar mempelai Siwa, melainkan juga sebagian dari dirinya. - The Dhamek Stupa is said to mark the spot (Rishipattana which can be translated as "where the Rishi arrived") where the Buddha gave the first sermon to his first five brahmin disciples after attaining enlightenment, "revealing his Eightfold Path leading to nirvana".
Stupa Dhamek dikatakan menandai tempat (Rishipattana yang dapat diterjemahkan sebagai "di mana Resi tiba") di mana Sang Buddha memberikan khotbah pertama kepada lima muridnya setelah mencapai pencerahan, "membabarkan Jalan Utama Berunsur Delapan yang menuntun kepada nirvana". - A lost poem of Hermesianax, reported centuries later by the traveller Pausanias, reported an etiological myth of Attis destroyed by a supernatural boar to account for the fact that "in consequence of these events the Galatians who inhabit Pessinous do not touch pork".
Sebuah puisi hilang dari Hermesianax, yang dikabarkan setelah berabad-abad oleh penjelajah Pausanias, membabarkan sebuah mitos etiologi yang mengisahkan tentang Attis dihancurkan oleh seekor babi supernatural, ini menjadi akibat bahwa penduduk Galatia yang tinggal di Pessinous tidak boleh menyentuh daging babi".