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membenci bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "membenci"
  • bersifat membenci:    misanthropic; misanthropical
  • mulai membenci:    go off; take a dislike to
  • membenci/tidak suka:    loathe; execrate; detest; revile; abhor; hate
  • sifat suka membenci:    cattiness; cattishness; rancor
  • membencanakan:    distract; discommode; inconvenience; pain; trouble; rag; vex; spite; inconvenience oneself; trouble oneself; put out; injure; disoblige; disorder; rile; gravel; upset; irritate; hurt; bruise; pertur
  • membencanai:    devil; anguish; cark; wound; smart; disquiet; cheat; bilk; nettle; incommode; suffer; disorder; gravel; betray; upset; beguile; bruise; hurt; con; discommode; inconvenience; pain; rag; err; spite; p
  • membenarkan kesalahan nya:    to right her wrong
  • membendakan:    nounize
  • membenarkan:    allow; approve; confirm; consent; grant; held true; hold true; holding true; justified; justify; justifying; permit; said the word; say the word; set seal to; take for granted; taken for granted; ta
  • membendung:    dam; dam in; dam up; damed up; daming up; dammed; damming; staunch; staunched; staunching; stemmed; stemming; swaddle; swaddled; swaddling; bank; keep back; baulk; halt; kibosh; obstruct; stem; draw
  • membenari:    apprise; carry; suggest; notify; apprize; sway; persuade; rede; advise; propose; give notice; counsel; send word
  • membendung tekanan:    stem the tide of
  • I don't hate children. I don't kick them.
    pastilah membenci anak-anak. Tidak. Saya tidak menendang anak-anak.
  • It's the same as hating Pa and Ma.
    Ini adalah sama dengan membenci Pa dan Ma.
  • Don't hate. Only the unloved and the unnatural hate.
    Jangan membenci. wajarlah dalam membenci dan mencintai.
  • Don't hate. Only the unloved and the unnatural hate.
    Jangan membenci. wajarlah dalam membenci dan mencintai.
  • People have the ability to make you almost hate yourself.
    Orang bisa membuatmu membenci diri sendiri.
  • Maybe they love it, seeing us hate each other.
    Mungkin mereka menyukainya, melihat kita saling membenci.
  • I don't know much about him but I like him.
    Tidak ada gunanya. Dia membenci saya!
  • I hated my place in the world.
    Yang benar adalah aku membenci tempatku di dunia ini.
  • You hate me I hate ignorance and vanity
    Anda membenci saya aku benci kebodohan dan kesombongan
  • I've always hated those upstart space toys.
    Aku memang selalu membenci mainan luar angkasa seperti itu.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5